Last week here at Bonoriau I held a social networking connection where I ask friends to share their social networking links as we all together will connect each other.

Quoted from top blogger Darren in his blog "Those who have been following me for a while know that I not only spend a lot of time on my blogs but also invest significant time on sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn…. (the list could go on)"
In comments below - Share your links to any of your social networking profiles that you want to promote. Once you’ve done so - start adding others on the list! This will only work if people make connections rather than just promote themselves.
The ‘Rules’:
* You must include the word - ’my social networking’ in your comment.
* You can use html in the comment to make your links live (this will make people easier to find your profile)
My social networking :
Twitter, Facebook, Mybloglog, Blogcatalog, Technorati, Digg, StumbleUpon and Delicious
Connect with our existing friends :
1. Shien : technorati stumbleupon blogcatalog mybloglog
2. ImitationAngel : Myspace Twitter Youtube
3. Rizal : My Tweet Tweet Twitter My Technorati My MYBlogLog My Blogcatalog My Facebook
4. Shinade : Technorati Mybloglog BlogCatalog Fuelmyblog
5. Whateverebay : stumbleupon/whatevereby
6. Bluecrystaldude : Facebook Friendster Twitter Myspace Technocrati
7. Shaxx : Twitter BlogCatalog Facebook MyBlogLog
8. IndoContest : Twitter Mybloglog Blogcatalog StumbleUpon Technorati
9. Eric : Twitter StumbleUpon YouTube Flickr Technorati Digg Facebook
10.Guttu : Twitter Blogcatalog Digg Technorati StumbleUpon
11.Blanne : MyBlogLog Twitter Stumble Upon BlogCatalog Digg Technorati
Tip: If you hold down the ‘CTRL’ key while clicking on links, they’ll open up in new tabs, so you won’t lose this page or lose your place
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yes 1st again..
ReplyDeletePak bono, thanks for that linky love. i sure hope more people would put their social networking sites so i can add them. :)
Pak bono, restnrileks masih ingat pak bono antara orang yang mula2 add saya dalam technorati, twitter dan mybloglog.
ReplyDeletemekasih mekasih mekasih ya..
Rizal I belief social networking will enhance our friends and traffic. From my analysis most of the top blogger really make use of social networking site and slowly take out their EC from the site...I'm sure it must be for good reason.
ReplyDeleteYAY dapat dedikasi from Bono today, thanks cutie! :D
ReplyDeleteBono, I sibuk sikit working on my new "project" lol! ;)
ReplyDeleteHere with MPG first, later I'll come by with Mariuca. Smlm sempat drop kat sini, cuma tak sempat mengomen je! :)
ReplyDeleteBono Twitter u ngan Emila happening gila, asyik naik naik naik everyday! Good show la Bono! :)
ReplyDeleteMarzie ok deh jika busy dengan work. I'm just worried that you not so quiet everyway ...Alhamdullillah RSS and Twitter picking up tapi masih ngak bisa fighht dengan Emila...You also doing very well...Have you visit shinade new makeover..look great deh
ReplyDeleteAlamak, I commented on the wrong post ye Bono?? :(
ReplyDeleteHe he tu la blur sgt sampai tak perasan! :)
Dah tgk dah Jackie's makeover, cun melecun!
Bluecrystaldude thanks for the link but your myspace and technorati not complete ..without username
ReplyDeleteHello Marzie, Hello Blue,
ReplyDeleteHmmm Pak Bono, may be you are right - Twitter for instance, i ve seen people following like thousand n thousand of people. May be the trick is to get that thousands of people to click his/her profile and thus, land on his/her blog. Though not all may become readers, but when it comes to such scale, i am sure certain portions will eventually be loyal readers.
I think my next step is to sign up at Blog Catalog or MyBlogLog. I can't decide on which one. It won't be right this minute as I'm still trying to get used to Twitter.
ReplyDeleteHi Bono,
ReplyDeleteJust stopping in to let you know that I am feeling a little better today. Thanks very much for keeping me in your thoughts and for your support.
This is for ImitaionAngel if you sign up for one you might as well sign up for both.
I prefer MyBlogLog's platform but I am also getting some new traffic from blog catalog.
The secret to blog catalog is that you have to work the boards in their forums.
You have to get known and add a lot of friends. You will spend a lot of time answering notifications...but, it pays off in the end.
Happy Day Bono...I think I am going to have to take a little rest soon and then I will get back to dropping in on everyone!!:-)))
My social networking
Rizal I agree with you. We need volume. If we have 1000 follower and 10% really follow our site means we have 100 unique daily visitor. Small blogger like us have to work together to achieve big volume.
ReplyDeleteImitationAngel I suggest you join both. Both have their own strength and follower. The concept is different compare to twitter.
ReplyDeleteImitation Angel, yes i agree with Pak Bono and Shinade.
ReplyDeleteI personally like Mybloglog better, but i still join both.
Shaxx thank you for the links. I already follow yours. Hope our friends also will do same thing.
ReplyDeleteNice idea, Bono
ReplyDeleteHere mine:
Well I guess that means I'll be joining both. I'll get on that this weekend and pass along my links then.
ReplyDeleteThanks guys
Indocontest thank you for the links. I will connect to all the links.
ReplyDeleteHola Rizal, I see u here! :)
ReplyDeleteBono, here to drop MPG first and to wish u a great weekend! Thanks for being one of my Top 10 Mariucans for Sept woot! :)
Hi Bono,
ReplyDeletefinally I have something for you. I'm sorry I can't give you the direct link. it's a bug I will have to discuss with Ana in the morning.
But you may come and get it at
MarzieI visit you early but LJ and Rizal even early then me...what is your social networking links?..I want to add in our list.
ReplyDeleteShinade I already list yours based on last posting but can you please check link for fuelmyblog..ok or not
ReplyDeleteHey everyone, here are mine:
Eric thanks for joining the list. I already follow your links.
ReplyDeleteNice move. Lets form a network. My links are as follows
Anything else??
It looks like your blog is not setup properly. I get instead of your .com domain. Though it's not a problem for reading or commenting, domain loses it's importance.
ReplyDeleteWow this is great bonoriau. Thanks for informing me about this post.
ReplyDeleteMy social networking sites:
Stumble Upon
I think you are internetoholic, look, so many social network you join.
ReplyDeleteI don't do enough social networking although I have many visitors to my blog. I need to spend more time building friendship. Thanks for the reminder.
ReplyDeleteHappy weekend!
ReplyDeleteWow, it is ready good to join social network. It is one of the best ways to know local bloggers as well as international bloggers, friends.
I have joined you as twitter friends, I will join all your social network soon. You great friend Mariuca just drop by my blog site that I am so happy for one whole day, let's cheer up.
Wish you happy and healthy, it is ready nice to be part of your blogsphere because I can read your wonderful blogs.
Have a great day, bonoriau.
dropping by to greet yah a happy weekend :) and hope the world stock market crisis doesnt hit yah much there :)
ReplyDeleteOMG! I am so sorry for putting incomplete links. Here is the correct one:
Thank you so much for adding my list there.. I will try my best to add all your social networking site in return. But finger cross, because my college internet policy blocks some of the sites. They said it will slow down the internet. Sigh*
Alamak!! I am so sorry. I don't know why my Myspace account link is like that.. It has your blog id in it.. Opst! I forgot to add "http://" before it. Sory again.. huhu
ReplyDeleteHere is the real one (once again and I hope it will works out well)
Guttu thank you for the link. I'm still working on the domain hopefully by the end the month I can solve the problem.
ReplyDeleteBlanne thank you for the links. I already connect with your links and hope our friends also will follow.
ReplyDeleteMas Hendra not internetoholic but we are following what success blogger DID. Come join the movement..
ReplyDeleteECL yes you are right. Your blog is really popular and I'm really respect the way you build your traffic. I've to learn the technics from you.
ReplyDeleteCoolingstar9 thanks for the connection. How about your links? Please forward yours so that I can add your links.
ReplyDeleteApa kabur Bono? Saya am doing better. I see you got your trnsfer made over. I have updated my link to you on my blog.
ReplyDeleteAnd I still feel very bad because I don't know or remember what Project wonderful is.
Please forgive me for this. I have been ill and on a lot of crazy medicines.
I agree with ECL and congratulate you as well. You have done one terrific job with this blog.
We are learning from you.
Oh Bono, thanks for explaining to me. But this is one thing I cannot join in on.
ReplyDeleteI am a non profit site. I don't and can't make money off of my site or I would lose many of my health benefits and I need them as I am disabled.
Sorry but this one I truly can't afford my medical bills each month far exceed any revenue I would make from adds.
I hope you will all understand and forgive me!:-)
Shinade I'm really understand. I'm really hope that I can do something for you. Take care.
ReplyDeletehi bonoriau! thanks for the comment on my site...
ReplyDeleteSocial networks are the latest craze. They help people date, reconnect old friends,classmates and keeps us bloggers in touch.
Banicmanic Yes I'm totally agree with. I'm all out for this.