Mariuca is really fantastic blogger and friends ..I'm really wordless to review her GREAT weblog but these some of the review from Mariuca Friends
Nihal : OMG, how did I ever miss doing this a long time ago?? Anyway, just to let everyone know, the Mariuca site has one exceptional writer behind its success, and I highly recommend it to everyone out there, and it's a Top 10 in my books, anytime :)
Room of my heart : Mariuca is really taking drops very very seriously.. she is queen of drops.. :-) hardworking and fun! I love you Marzie!
Bobby Revell : Mariuca is a ultra fun, cheery, impeccably written blog and one of my definite all time favourites! Marzie's brilliant personality and warmth will win over any reader. She is one superstar blogger everyone should read!!!!
This is my 2nd review of Marzie's blog! I love her blog and she has been one of my best friends since I started. She is a total sweetie and I just can't say enough good things about her or her blog (except I wish the scale went up to 11)!
Rolando Nispiros : Not only is Marzie's blog awesome, she's an even better friend to her readers. Marzie is fun, friendly, and informative. Check out her site!
LadyJava : This is a fantastic to hang out.. lots of interesting read and I love the kitties!!!
Hin Man : I truly enjoy my visit to the blog. Its layout is beautiful with touch of lovely music, arts, pets, cute pictures and I am very engaged in my visit. It is very refreshing. And the mug present contest wins my urge to review this blog right away.
What do you think of MARIUCA?
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I think she is a great, faithful and treat blog seriously. She is a wonderful friend to be with while knows how to enjoy herself. I am sure glad to meet her in blogsphere :)
ReplyDeleteWah~ I am first here! :)
ReplyDeleteOh, and I forgot to mention that Mariuca doesn't pay for me to say good things about her. She really deserve all the compliments. I am sure there will be lots of compliments to follow :)
Bono, Have a great remaining Tuesday :)
Haziq Congrats being my 1st commenter and you are welcome to call me Pak Bono...heee...udah tua rasa nya deh!!!
ReplyDeleteMariuca is a great blogger! She's one helluva writer/copywriter and she is one wonderful friend who always be there for you. She makes other people feel so comfortable and feel appreciated.
ReplyDeleteWah wah wah what a wonderful surprise!!! Mana you dapat semua review ni ha ha!! Been busy nampaknya Bono, buat research ye?
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this wonderful post, am honoured to be featured at ur great blog, tak tahu nak kata apa! You mmg pandai give me surprises, love it and love you! :):):)
I oso didn't know about this EC giveaway bash ni, now I gotta check it out, this is ultra cool! :):):)
ReplyDeleteKena pick one blog only to write about is it???
He he masih kat sini Bono, tak puas rasanya tgk post Mariuca ni, you're da best! :):):)
ReplyDeleteEmila and Haaziq, thanks a million for ur support! Mariuca loves ya! :)
I was feeling a bit blue (maklumlah teringatkan baby Issy!) today but this really cheered me up, again I have to say a million thank you for your support Bono! You've been nothing but wonderful to Mariuca and MPG too. Hope we'll be the best of friends forever! :):):)
ReplyDeleteMarzie is everything one blogger inspires to be, such perk and lively conversation, the power to make everyone feel so much at home... Magical is the best way to sum it all up guess that is why she is also known as the Genie Princess spreading all her magical dust of love around. :)
ReplyDeleteMarzie oh Marzie
ReplyDeleteWords cannot begin to express how grateful and overjoyed I am to know you as a friend... I thank GOD for that Magic Carpet meme and our first real conversation on Sambal Goreng..hehhe..
A Priceless Blogger and Friend Indeed..
Go GP!!!
Oh Bono, you are simply such an incredible man. Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving such a wonderful comment. I am up for just a wee bit then will rest some more.
ReplyDeleteBut, I simply had to stop here and say just how marvelous I too think Marzie is. I don't exactly remember how we met.
I think it was through Zubli. But, I remember how excited I was to get my first Genie Princess badge.
And a Genie Princess she is too. She truly is The marvelous Marzie and I have come to love her. And we have never even met.
Hugs for you Marzie!!:-)
aha.. nice to check Mariuca
ReplyDeleteHola Bono, here with Mariuca now! Kena drop cepat-cepat kalau tak mlm nanti mesti ada masalah teknikal! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Metz, LJ, Jackie! GP loves ya too! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd hellllooooo Pekanbaru! :)
THANK YOU to all leaving GREAT & FANTASTIC REVIEW. My posting is not about 30,000 credits but MARZIE is really GREAT.
ReplyDeleteI hope u win that 30,000 EC Bono, good luck! Am back with MPG now, here we go again, one more round of EC dropping! :)
ReplyDeleteMarzie if I win I will give some to our GREAT reviewer.
ReplyDeleteThe result already out and I didn't win. Honestly I'm not regret cause my objective of this posting is not for the CREDITS but special occasion for me to say THANK YOU to MARZIE which already contribute so much to Bonoriau...to other GREAT friends wait your turn will come.
ReplyDeletecongrats Blue,
ReplyDeleteI cant say I ve known Marzie that long, but one thing for sure, i always feel welcome at her place (blog.)
She can turn any topic into a fun, witty and heart-warming conversations.
Simply say, she just makes magic where she goes. :)
Rizal I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteI move so fast deh at Mariuca..I can't follow any more...but never GIVE UP.
Sorry Rizal you move so fast deh!!!
ReplyDeleteohh.. pak bOno.. i thought i was cruising at "restnrileksing" speed over there..
ReplyDeletejgn mare yer.. gurau-gurau hari raya :)
Rizal don't worry I'll make come back ..heeee
ReplyDeleteOh bono.. it's ok you did not win there.. You're always a winner to us :)
ReplyDeleteOh ye ke Bono? Takpe, janji spirit masuk contest tu ada kan! Love BONO! Nama pun cute! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Rizal, it's been fun getting to know u while RestnRileksing at ur blog too he he! :)
ReplyDeleteI like the word RestnRileksing deh
ReplyDeleteThis is most wonderful article
ReplyDeleteWMT thank you for dropping by. This is your 1st comment here and hope not the last...make this site like yours.
ReplyDeleteWhat do I think about Maurica?
ReplyDeleteShe is... amazing...!! :-D
aww were all here for yah Marzie and Bono you did a great article review for Marzie :) you have a knack of bringing out the best in detail and description. :) you should do this more often :)
ReplyDeleteoh yes, I love the queen of drops! and I'm glad to know her through the blogosphere..;-)
ReplyDeleteShe is a friendly blogger. When I am free, I also like to visit her blogs.
One day, I just say out a little dream : this is my dream hoping that you can visit my site.
Wow, Mariuca fulfill my dream, she made me happy for one whole day.
She is good in writing and is a talented lady.
I sincerely wish her all the best in whatever things she does.