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- Surah 65 At-Talaq 2,3

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Are we ready to sell Private Advertising?

How much is my blog worth? Are we ready to sell private Ad? This question might pop out from your head after blogging for several months.

Most of the top 100 blogs make money online offering private ad. JohnChow earning USD15k from his private ad sale for the month of June 2008 and ZacJohnson earning USD2k from his private ad sale for the month of May 2008.

Few weeks back I ask Michaelauli, "When is the right time for any blogger to offer their private ad?". His answer was "Well once you’ve got a good Alexa and PageRank, I guess (and/or your RSS feed subscriber). Those three points are good indicators of your traffic or the quality of your blog in private advertisers’ eyes".

Looking at the offer by the top blogger there are a number of factors that affects the value of your blog.

1. Revenue generated
2. Quality of traffic
3. Referrers statistic
4. Google Pagerank
5. Alexa Ranking
6. Technorati Ranking
7. Number of blog post
8. Number of blog comments
9. RSS feed subscriber

If I want to sell private advertisement slots, links, posts, or reviews on my blog, then I have to know the price of the slots. One of the online tool that give me idea how much I should charge per month is This is only estimation based on our PR, link and Alexa Ranking.

Here is the estimate for my site: $5. I'm not ready to sell private advertising. So, find out and estimate the worth of your blog now.

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  1. Thanks very much for this useful tool. I can't wait to check it out and evaluate the value of advertising on my blog.

    Like you, I am not yet ready for private advertising. I want to give my blog ample time to grow and secondly, I don't want to get "deviated" too soon.

    What about you? What are your reasons for not wanting to go into private advertising? If they are not very personal, can we share?

  2. Uncle, I just want to focus building my traffic and branding my weblog. Hopefully by next 6-12 months I'll start offering the slots. How about my invitation?

  3. Just dropping another card on you..Take care...

  4. private advertising? how does it look like Bono? just curious hehehe.

  5. purple thanks for dropping by and take care

  6. joy0z, most of the top blogger offer 468x60 banner, 300x250 banner, 125x125 button, text and link ads. The value is various from USD5 - USD500 per slot per month...:) :)

  7. WOW USD15k!! Fuyoo, u think JC dah millionaire ke belum? :)

  8. Bono, thanks for always coming up with all these cool stuff for me to check out. This one sounds cool too, gonna check my ad worth now, hopefully it's 1 buck at least he he!! :):):)

  9. Ala Bono, my site cannot be verified at this time it seems! So can't check my ad worth, nevermind I'll come back later with Mariuca EC, now with MPG! ;)

  10. Marzie, total 10 month JC income is more then USD300k ..emm convert to Rupiah udah Milyar...ya deh that tool only for domain...sorry

  11. Bono.. i tried it yesterday but got the same message as GP... hmm.. nevermind will try again.. wonder how much mine is worth..hehe

  12. LJ, sorry the tool is only for own domain...can't be use for or

  13. Bono.. mine are own domain.. I tried it for LLP, LJL and BW... hm.. its ok.. I try again later :)

  14. Just dropping a card on you today...

  15. your welcome about the linky love...

  16. LJ, sorry I didn't realize that you have your own domain..already book mark your site so just click ..:):)

  17. Purple, thanks for dropping by

  18. Text link ads are risky since they are paid links, but the sales tend to snowball, because a lot of the people buying the links are unsure of which links they bought are the most important. So they keep buying the same ones month after month. And then as new people advertise, they just add to this trend.

  19. stephan thank you for the very informative info. I'm sure many of bloggers will take note of the tips.

  20. Nice info Bono.
    Thumbs up.

  21. Ohhhhh no wonder la!!! Ha ha! Okies, then this tool is not for me then. :)

    Here with MOG first, happy Tues! :D

  22. Aiyo!!!! kaya betul la JC ni!!! He must be feeling so lucky to be himself! EH, dia dah kahwin ke? He he....lucky wifey! :D

  23. Alamak...MOG pulak, so embarrassing I got my own blog wrong..MPG le.. ;)

  24. Marzie, why don't you use your own domain ..I'm sure you want to be like JC ...or heee you want to his 2nd ..:):):)

  25. EEEEEE bono.. GP..jangan .. JC tak handsome..lolzz!!!

    And yey.. bono i see paidtopromote here!!! easy passive money kan??

    Have you tried the other one.. freebiesforwebmaster?

  26. LJ, I join paidtopromote from Marzie site..hopefully she join under you...give the freebiesforwebmaster link dong

  27. No probs.. yg penting all of us earning kan... for freewebmaster.. check my money blog ok.. more details on how the program works as well

    Good luck!

  28. LJ, thanks I'll check the detail. Have you join ask2link. If you want to join please consider me..I already join ..:):)

  29. i dont think I have Bono.. give me the link and I'll check it out :)

  30. LJ, the link ..thanks

  31. Ok.. am checking it out... have you been paid by them yet?

  32. LJ, I just join few days back but I see many good review. They said own by somebody from google..if not mistaken deh!!

  33. Ok.. have registered and checking it out.. looks like ada potential.. thanks :)

  34. LJ, I join freebies4masters waiting for approval... thanks

  35. LJ, thanks and good luck to too .. check detail on ask2link

  36. Well even if you are ready for private advertising, the next step is getting the private advertiser itself! (which is hard)

    So far I've only gotten 2 of them :(
    I guess you really have to be pro-active in chasing and getting one

  37. Micheal, I'm totally agree with you. The advertiser only buy the slot if our site really worth for them.

  38. Came by to visit before i go off to bed...Catch ya another time...

  39. purple thanks for dropping by..I'm sure you are really busy..take care & sweet dream

  40. Bono!! Thanks for the dnscoop link, I've checked mine, it's 10/month! still low!

  41. Emila not too bad..better then me. Insyallah next few month will go up to may be few hundreds per month.

  42. Wow, bestnye Emila 10 buckeroos! Bono, I joined oredi yesterday's program, now waiting to see what happens next he he! ;)

  43. thanks for dropping by and your comment ;)


  44. Marzie, thanks joining. I also still study the program ..look fantastic.

  45. I think the main concern for selling private ads will be depend on the amount of pageview per month. As a starter you must begin sa price na $0.5 CPM x amount of pageview per month, 1000 pageview = 1 .

    ex. if you have 5000 pageview per month and a $0.5 CPM the computation would be 5 x $0.5 = $2.5 would be your banner ads price. :)

  46. Well I think nothing gives better information on the concerned topic rather than this article. Nice post. Keep it up


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