Follow Me on Twitter
Using To Twitter to Leverage Facebook
If you’re into social media then you are no doubt a Twitter and Facebook user. Facebook has a status field to enter what you are doing. Twitter does nothing but ask what you are doing. Wouldn’t it be cool if you can update your Facebook status using your twits? Well, you can!
The Twitter Facebook App integrates seamlessly with both Facebook and Twitter. All you have to do is go to the app and turn it on. Now, whenever you make a post to your Twitter, it’ll show up in your Facebook status as well. The app only send pure twits to Facebook. Direct twits and twits that are replies to other Twitter users do not show up.
Get You Free Twitter Backgrounds
Ready to get a better Twitter background going? Go ahead and download the files here and construct your own Twitter background. They are Photoshop files, and you or your designer shouldn't have any trouble reworking them to personalize them for yourself or your business. Enjoy!
Tweeting is now made easier by a small firefox plugin called Twitterfox.You can post and recieve tweet updates Directly in your browser.Get it Here
Click here to know more about twittercounter, twitterfeed, twitterAd and Dwigger
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hi pak bono... saya antown dari Indonesia. Tahu blog ini dari restnrileks.
ReplyDeletesaya lebih tertarik plurk.com daripada twitter. sudah daftar belom?
salam kreatif
Hi Bono,
ReplyDeleteI sent an email to Marzie that better explains why I can't join PW. I wish I could becuase I love all of you guys.
But,I can't and it is personal so I didn't really want to disscuss it on the boards!
Thanks for asking and I hope you have a super week!!:-)))
Antown makasih sudi mampir. Aku ikutan kamu je deh. Jangan lupa sering-sering mampir dong.
ReplyDeleteShinade don't worry. It's OK if you don't want to join PW. I only giving suggestion so that we can do some activity on you site beside commenting. I understand you policy. Enjoy blogging.
ReplyDeleteI'm on Twitter too!
ReplyDelete*twit twit twit*
Have a great week ahead!
Rizal you moving so fast at Mariuca..heee
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI have connected with your twitter, mybloglog and Blogcatalog and more to come.
Have a great week.
ReplyDeleteI have joined your twitter, mybloglog, blogcatalog and more to come.
Have a great week.
pak bono, have you tried twitterad? any comment?
ReplyDeleteCoolingstar9 thank you very much. Lets build the network together...and ROCK the blogworld...heeee
ReplyDeleteShaxx I'm still not ready to try twitterAd...my twitter follower still very small. I'll look for few twitterAd analysis and let you know the links.
ReplyDeleteBono.. I'm already following you I think.. let me check.. wah awesome to have background for twitter.. nice find :)
ReplyDeleteWah Bono.. I see this kind of commenting box now allows us to subscribe to follow up comments.. awesome.. baru mantap skg deh..and worth considering to install at my blogs ;)
ReplyDeleteLJ yes twitter background tu memang mantap deh
ReplyDeleteLJ the commenting box is improve a lot. Some of even offer chat format.
ReplyDeleteChat format?? apa itu deh..
ReplyDeleteYeah... now I can subscribe to comments and get update.. mantap!!
Hi Bono, am checking out the FB link to Twitter now,tenkiu for the link. Hari tu punya tak menjadi. ;)
ReplyDeleteBono, Jackie bukan taknak join PW, dia nggak boleh join gitu. Kalau nak, I blh email kat u explanasi dia. :)
ReplyDeleteMasalah peribadi gitu, anyway EC outage lagi ke? :(
ReplyDeleteBono! I'm back with Mariuca now! Just realized that u are advertising at both my blogs today, cayala Bono! Thanks for being a regular advertiser, love Bono! :):):)
ReplyDeleteLJ I'm waiting for feedback from the management. If ok then I can share with you the chat format.
ReplyDeleteMarzie mesti I'll advertise at your site..your traffic very good deh.
ReplyDeleteIt's ok if Jackie ada problem. I only give suggestion like you invite me to join PW those day.
ReplyDeleteAwesome Bono.. look forward to it!!
ReplyDeleteGP!! Where are you??!!!
Oh I'm so glad you understand Bono. I am so honored to have been invited.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a great evening.:D
Hey, I tried the link that you gave, relating on the linking of Facebook and Twitter, but instead, I arrived at my own Facebook homepage. Am I missing something here?
ReplyDeleteYEah! I did it! :)
ReplyDeleteI went to your page in FC, and I added the application through there. Hey, and I added Mariuca from Rizal's wall too! Hehe
Bono... I'm trying the fb thing without success.. you sure its the right link?
ReplyDeleteTry this link Twitter Facebook App
ReplyDeleteYeay.. the link works.. thanks Bono.. will now figure out what to do..hehe
ReplyDeleteMoving so fast Pak bOno?
ReplyDeleteI thought i was just restnrileksing over there? hehe
So, have you come up with your own background on twitter..?
I am using my own illo as my background. hehe
yeah FB, MyBloglog semua boleg syn dengan twitter. Tuu yang syok, at least nampak juga ada benda berlaku kat MyBlogLog dan FB thru Twitter updates- bagus sebab that says we arent silent users of those social networks.
Marzie, you are fast too here..
ReplyDeleteI am sure, that uber pink lappie motivates you 2x ganda. :)
Alamak, i think my lappie ada masalah dengan windows patch. Cant seem to install twitterfox, sudah install, tapi lepas tu Firefox tak boleh bukak. terpaksa restore balik windows. Hmmm, nampaknya terpaksa guna the old gud trusty way of using twitter la..
ReplyDeletebut luckily, i can install it on my office desktop :)
I'm really silly when it comes to all these things. :) I have facebook but barely even login. I'm just totally clueless! LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, came by from LJ's. Happy posting!! :)
Morning everbody!! Hi LJ, Bono and Rizal! :)
ReplyDeleteOh Hi Jackie too he he!
Rizal honestly Pak Bono masih guna fasilitas back ground ..still considering which one ..heee
ReplyDeleteBono, I pun check out that FB link, but it goes to the FB homepage, tak nampak pun Twitter! But nemind la, I'll wait and see if LJ can figure it out, then I'll bug her he he! :)
ReplyDeleteRizal, mestila kena cepat! Sape cepat dia menang hu hu! ;)
ReplyDeleteHappy Tuesday Bono, here with MPG first today, I'll be back with Mariuca nanti! :)
ReplyDeleteMasig ga guna fasilitas nya...
ReplyDeleteRizal I love twitter beside FB and Mybloglog, it's also syn with Blogcatalog...I'm start loving Blogcatalog..heee
ReplyDeleteMarzie LJ said the link is ok..I already update the new link.
ReplyDeleteShemah thank you for dropping by and leave your foot print. Please make bonoriau like your own home and come again. I love the way some of my GREAT friends like Marzie, Rizal, LJ, Shinade, Purple and others who always make Bonoriau like their own home....
ReplyDeleteyeah, pak bono, i almost forget that Twitter does sync with blogcatalog too.. hehe..
cool bono! thanks for all the tips! will click on them and find out more!!